The company that is helping is a manufacturer of 2T racing engines, that has over 25 years experience on it.
Their engines are state of the art and are constantly and successfully taking part in races up to world championship level in their category.

Their help consists in the fact they:

  1. gave me access to (part of) their engines' design
  2. agreed to build my RG-adapted variant of their design
This is done as a personal favour and I am committed to respect the NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) I have with them. When I say "I can't tell", it means just that, I can't tell. Some people got offended by this, which makes me really wonder!! It's industrial secret! Should it be my way to thank Them for their help and their trust in me, to violate the NDA and publish their reserved information on the Internet??

Also, in case I'd violate the NDA Their collaboration would drop so even if you don't understand correctness and you don't care about my reputation, maybe you could care the availability of the RG parts depending on this.

Last updated: 9 Dec 2008